What is a biohazard spill kit?
Biohazard spill kits are the most effective way of ensuring availability of the required spill cleaning tools at the point of need. Biohazard spill kits are materials used to safely absorb, disinfect and dispose of biohazardous spills. They are also known as bloodborne pathogen spill kits and are sometimes referred to as mercury spill kits.
Choose a Hayes First Aid BioSafe Biohazard Spill Kit for clean-up and disinfection of biohazard spillages. They are also the most economical solution to spill cleaning as they significantly reduce the risk equipment being lost or stolen and are refillable.
Biohazard spills are not only unpleasant to deal with - they can be highly infectious if not cleaned and disposed of correctly. Hayes First Aid BioSafe biohazard spill kits enable specialist and non-specialist or non-trained staff to clean up spillages of blood, urine and vomit safely and effectively.
Wall mounted
Hayes First Aid BioSafe biohazard spill kits are supplied in lightweight, hard-sided high-visibility yellow cases for easy on site storage and portability. Wall mounting brackets can be supplied if required so kits can be kept ready for use in busy areas and high infection risk zones such as accident and emergency departments, laboratories and kitchens.
Economical and effective
Hayes First Aid BioSafe biohazard spill kits are the most effective way of ensuring availability of the required spill cleaning tools at the point of need. They are also the most economical solution to spill cleaning as they significantly reduce the risk equipment being lost or stolen and are refillable. Refills can be stored centrally and cases refilled after incidents are reported.
Standards Compliant
All Hayes First Aid BioSafe packs and kits meet the highest standards for cleaning, hygiene and infection prevention specified by the World Health Organisation and Irish Health & Safety Authority. Infection Control Emergency response to best practice.
Healthcare Waste
- Healthcare waste is the solid or liquid waste arising from healthcare.
- Healthcare waste is managed by segregating healthcare risk waste which is potentially infectious and hazardous from the bulk of waste which is domestic in nature.
- All healthcare waste must be handled, stored, transported and disposed of with care and particular precautions are required with healthcare risk waste due to it’s hazardous properties.
Health and safety issues
- Healthcare waste must be correctly segregated and healthcare risk waste must be stored in the appropriate UN approved containers (bags or bins depending on the nature of the waste).
- Healthcare waste must stored in a secure area, appropriately signed, with access limited to staff.
- There must be arrangements in place to deal with spillages of waste.
- There must be supervision, training and information for employees on the correct procedures to be followed when handling healthcare waste.
- There must be an incident reporting and investigation procedure in place.
- The waste carrier removing and transporting the healthcare waste must have the appropriate waste collection licence/permit for the waste.
- Dispatch documentation for healthcare risk waste (including C1 forms and tagging records) must be completed correctly and records kept by the waste generator.
Health and safety considerations for healthcare workers handling waste
- Personal protective clothing must be worn when handling healthcare waste containers, appropriate to the risk.
- Employees handling infectious waste must be offered appropriate vaccinations (see the Immunisation Guidelines for Ireland, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland).
- Waste containers must not be overfilled and must be closed securely. Healthcare risk waste containers must be labelled, tagged and securely sealed to prevent spillages.
- The principles of safe manual handling must be applied when handling waste containers.
- Waste bags are to be picked up by the neck and must not be thrown or dropped to avoid damaging the bag.
- Waste bins must be carried by the handle and not held tight to the body.
- Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling waste.
Need more help? Whether you are a home user, GP doctor, medical centre, surgery, first responders, fire service, ambulance service, occupational health department or a nursing home, you can give our team a call on 01 5079901 or email sales@hayesfirstaid.com to discuss your needs and get a quote. Irish owned and based, shipping nationwide throughout Ireland.
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