Discover our latest CPR manikin solutions, organised to help you determine what best meets your training needs.
A CPR Manikin for Every CPR Training Need
Our personal favourite, Laerdal Medical's CPR manikins have helped to advance resuscitation training for over 60 years. Their lifelike and durable products have equipped generations of medical professionals and lay responders worldwide to save lives and enhance patient outcomes.
When thinking about Laerdal manikins, you may just think “Annie”, but there’s much more to it than that. In fact, there are three distinct product lines that can support various training initiatives and learner outcomes.
- Minis - Mini manikins are inflatable and reusable kits explicitly designed to meet the needs of organisations and schools to train groups of bystanders. Minis are great for large training events, CPR school initiatives, and self-training, as it allows participants to practice CPR while watching the skills demonstrated by the instructor or instruction video.
- Littles - Typically utilised in community CPR training settings, an excellent training solution for the public and people required to be certified in CPR for their job. Laerdal's new Little manikins and AED Training kit are age-specific torso manikins designed to provide a great classroom experience for both the instructor and learners by helping improve classroom efficiency and learner engagement.
- Resuscis - The Resusci line includes professional-grade resuscitation manikins designed for High-Performance CPR skills and team training in adult, pediatric and infant resuscitation. If you are training professional first responders, you you will appreciate the robustness of a Resusci manikin, which will offer more realism, more advanced feedback, and the opportunity to incorporate other advanced skills.
Need help finding your next manikin? Whether you're new to Laerdal or experienced, this guide is for you.
CPR Manikins with Feedback
A group of individuals practicing CPR on several Little Anne torso training manikins
What is QCPR Technology?
- The Q in QCPR stands for "quality." At Laerdal, we understand that quality CPR can help save lives and that deliberate practice with feedback can help improve CPR skills. When training with QCPR enabled devices and applications, key parameters of CPR training events are measured to ensure that trainees and instructors can measure to improve their performance in line with the latest resuscitation science.
CPR scoring explained
Understanding the QCPR scoring algorithm
We know good CPR gives higher survival rates, and the idea about scoring is to reflect how good the performance really is for the patient.
Laerdal’s CPR scoring algorithm provides learners with an accurate score on their CPR performance and guides them on how to give even better CPR. But how do you make sense of the numbers behind the score?
Explore Laerdal’s Range of CPR Manikins right here with Hayes First Aid Supplies or call us on 069 66006 to discuss your training equipment needs.