Vehicle & driver emergency breakdown safety kits - Current regulations for emergency packs in Ireland, and proposed amendments.
Private Cars
There are currently no regulations in place that make First Aid Kits (FAK’s) or other emergency pack items, compulsory in private cars. It is proposed that a first aid kit, a torch, a high visibility vest and a warning triangle be made compulsory for private cars. Consideration will be given to implementing this for (a) new cars registered from 1st January 2016, or (b) for both new and existing cars from 1st July 2016.
Small Public Service Vehicles (SPSV’s)
A first aid kit, a warning triangle, a high visibility vest, a torch and a fire extinguisher are required in SPSV’s. The legal basis for the provision of safety equipment in SPSV’s in Ireland (such as taxis and hackneys) comes from The Taxi Regulation Act 2003 (permanent feature vehicle size and safety equipment) Regulations 2008.
There are no changes proposed for compulsory equipment in SPSV’s. Therefore, these vehicles are not included as part of Action 105, and are not included as part of this public consultation.
Large Public Service Vehicles (LPSV’s)
The presence of a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher is checked as part of the CVRT (Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness Testing) programme. LPSV’s registered after 01 January 2010 are checked at CVRT for the presence of a warning triangle. The legal basis for the provision of a first aid kit in Large Public Service Vehicles (LPSV’s) in Ireland (i.e. vehicles with more than eight passenger seats used for hire and reward purposes) comes from Article 79(2)(b) of the Road Traffic Construction, Equipment and Use of Vehicles)
Regulations, 1963 to 2014. The legal basis for provision of a fire extinguisher in LPSV’s comes from Article 79(1) of the Road Traffic (Construction, Equipment and Use of Vehicles) Regulations, 1963 to 2014.
It is proposed that (in addition to these) a torch and a high visibility vest be introduced as compulsory for all LPSV’s, and that an advance warning triangle will be compulsory for all LSPV’s, both new and existing.
Light Goods Vehicles
There are currently no regulations in place that make First Aid Kits or other emergency pack items compulsory in LGV’s. It is proposed that a first aid kit, a torch, a high visibility vest and a warning triangle be made compulsory for LGV’s. Consideration will be given to implementing this for (a) new LGV’s registered from 1st January 2016, or (b) for both new and existing LGV’s from 1st July 2016.
Heavy Goods Vehicles
An advance warning triangle is required in HGV’s, the presence of which is checked at CVRT. The legal basis for provision of an advance warning triangle in HGV’s in Ireland (i.e. goods vehicles with a design gross vehicle design weight in excess of 3.5 tonnes) comes from Article 38 of the Road Traffic (Lighting of Vehicles)
Regulations, 1963. It is proposed that a First Aid Kit, a torch and a high visibility vest be introduced as compulsory for HGV’s. Consideration will be given to mandating these additional items for (a) new HGV’s registered from 1st January 2016, or (b) for both new and existing HGV’s from 1st July 2016.
Other vehicles, such as agricultural tractors and motorcycles, are not considered as part of this consultation process.